How Do I Go Vegan When I Love Beef Jerky?

How Do I Go Vegan When I Love Beef Jerky?

I used to buy beef jerky by the case.  Approximately once a month I would buy beef jerky, and I highly enjoyed eating it.   Well, except for the gross white fatty parts.  I enjoyed the jerky, but was so disgusted with the fat on the beef jerky.  I mean, why couldn't they do a better job of removing all of that fat?  I was so dissociated from the violence that had taken place to this poor animal for my food desire.  I also started having bad dreams when I was eating beef.  My dreams were of someone forcefully pulling on me and trying to take me away, (and I'm not talking about on vacation, but to my death.)

Then,  I started looking into plant based and vegan options, I found Faux Jerky!
WOW!  No more fat and I was no longer paying for cows to be killed, so I could eat them.  What a dream come true!  I'm talking good dreams, too.  No more bad dreams, once I switched to faux jerky.

There are many types of faux jerky out there which are vegan, soy and plant based.  My current favorite is by Noble!  Noble Jerky is some of the best jerky I have ever had!

If you want to go Vegan, but don't want to change how you have been eating, check out my book,
"50 Reasons For a Vegan and Plant-Based Diet" at:


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